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"I am writing this testimonial for Jen because she asked me to! AND because I believe in her Nutrition Transition programme and would recommend it to anyone who is unhappy with their body.

Improving my health has improved the person I am now. I am the person I always wanted to be, I’ve organised my life, I am achieving my goals, I live healthily and I eat happily. I’ve taken control and I now live my life on my terms.

Before joining the gym I was a 9-5’er too tired to exercise and my blood pressure and waistline were reflecting my lifestyle. I knew I needed to change but didn’t know where to start.

I spoke to Jennifer about having her help me, and she was really reassuring and understanding of my apprehension and wavering commitment.

Within a week working on the guidelines Jen gave me, I had dropped 8lbs. I found my commitment!

We made changes to my lifestyle slowly so that I kept my momentum, and by the end of the 6 month course I noticed that I had completely changed my life forever, without even noticing! I’ve now got the tools to continue my journey alone and will always be in control of my health.

By the way, my blood pressure is now 'Normal'!"

Tom - Staffordshire

"I am a truck driver, and I have been for 30 years. I work mostly night shifts and found it impossible to control my diet. I lived out of service stations and there was never a gym on hand in my overnight accommodation – my truck cabin!!

Jennifer took me on board and drove me into the fast lane so to speak. We began with a health assessment where I learned I was super obese at 120kg at 5 ft 6, all other vital signs were declining. With these facts to hand Jen asked me to evaluate my priorities and really make my health my main concern. There were no excuses good enough as far as Jen was concerned, a fact I found difficult to swallow at first. When I complained about the lack of options for me due to my job – she brought an article from a national magazine giving tips to truck drivers on how to live more healthily! How did she find that?? But as soon as I knuckled down and accepted the challenge, it became fun, I wanted to make Jen proud of my willpower. I began to make changes.

For me as a married man, the number 1 factor that contributed to my success was getting my wife on board. Because she does 80% or better of the meal prep at home, it was crucial that she knew why I needed to change my dietary habits in order to lose the bodyfat that was causing my health to suffer. There is no doubt in the beginning changing things caused quite a bit more work for her, but once we established a routine of preparing meals for the week, she actually found it was easier and more enjoyable than how we used to eat. I have now lost four stone and counting... and my wife has lost two! Thanks Jen!"

John, Northwich

"Two weeks of working with Jennifer and following her recommendations to the letter, my scales were showing a steep decline in weight, and a huge decrease in Body Fat. In two months (and in time for my Birthday), I had lost two stone, and had reached my first target, having left the ‘Obese’ label behind. Yes, I was now just ‘Fat’, much to the amusement of my colleagues!"

Paul Sutherland

"What can I say about Jennifer? She’s charming, approachable, and you’ll look forward to your meetings."

Shona Campbell

"Jennifer listens, probes, analyses, plans, organises and succeeds - without you really noticing. She’s my new ‘best friend’, and her lessons have stayed with me, I’m delighted to say. All you have to supply is the commitment, and she’ll even give you a hand with that."

John Beasley

"When I learnt more in a 20 minute chat with Jen than I did in 3 years of starving myself at university I would  have been daft not to give it a try. I’ve got to admit, I thought I knew all there was to know -  now I know the truth about food, I will never need to diet again. Thank god for that!"

Charlotte  Stevens

"Jennifer loves what she does, she is totally committed to her field of nutrition and training but more importantly she is totally committed to her clients. She saw my goals as her goals, we were in it together. Although the major choices lay with me - she was always there to make those choices easier, to highlight the alternative, to show a different path and drive me towards my goals."

Helen L

Before | After

"I learnt so many things during my time with Jennifer. It didn’t just start and end with a “diet plan” – every aspect of my life changed, for the better! Before I got fit I had no confidence in my ability at work or in personal relationships. Over time I learned to like myself, then love myself enough to care about my life and make the changes necessary to make it better!

I spent years considering myself “a bad person” simply because I lacked “willpower”. Let me just say that willpower and preparation go hand in hand… You cannot blame yourself for making bad food choices if your body is hungry and there are no healthy foods around – you’re battling against your own biology.

Once I accepted this and allowed myself to eat well and began a proper workout plan, everything fell into place. Of course there was effort involved, but Jennifer’s fresh new ideas make it interesting! I looked forward to each week’s new lessons and tasks and found great pleasure in both eating and exercising like I never had before. And of course, I love my new body. Its more than I ever hoped for!

I hired Jennifer for 12 months, catching up on a fortnightly basis and talking over the internet at least once a week.  I found the on-hand support incredibly helpful, it made all the difference to my progress."

Adele chose a 9 month Online Personal Training and Nutritional Coaching Programme, and later renewed with an additional 3 months aftercare service

Adele – Manchester

C:\Users\Nutrition Transition\Documents\Jen's Stuff\NT\Testimonials\Before and After Pics\crp003.jpg

"I came to Jennifer completely convinced she would not be able to help.  I have been a semi-professional athlete my whole life and have taken part in countless full marathons and was training for my first ever Iron Man event in June 08.

My diet was “spot on” – wholegrains, low fat, soy milk, lots of fruit and I drank sports drinks whilst training.

However, as you can see – my body was strong and able but didn’t look great. Nothing I did worked to reduce my bodyfat and I felt uncomfortable appearing at sporting events looking wobbly.

When I signed up with Jennifer in February 08 she told me straight away to eat more and to cut down on the training to improve my power and endurance - I thought she was mad. In fact I nearly cancelled my next meeting. However, I realised I had nothing else to try and decided to give it a go. Jen’s advice made an immediate difference to my training, and vast improvements to my reflection.

My aha! moment came just a few weeks into the programme, when I read an article Jennifer had written about the importance of reaching the right amount of calories needed for an active lifestyle.

For years I had been under eating daily by 1,000cals! As a result my weight had been stable but it had been impossible for me to lose fat or gain muscle, and my results on the track and in the pool were... static at best.

Since I changed my diet in accordance to Jennifer’s programme, I gained lean muscle really fast, in a visible way (and that surprised me, since I am 40 years old) and I have been performing much better in terms of my event training. 

You learn as you go with Jen, and once I understood  that a fast metabolism is a key factor to fat loss, I worked hard to improve mine. I believe this to be a crucial piece of information that almost everybody ignores, dismisses, or even fears since mainstream theory is that lower calorie intake is the key to fat loss, but as I found out – the complete opposite is actually true.

I completed my Ironman challenge in the summer and immediately signed up for another. The changes I made with Jen have become habitual and I am pleased to know that I will only ever look better as I get older and wiser!"

Jan – Crewe

I’ve always been active, having been a keen recreational runner throughout my younger years; regularly clocking up to 50 miles per week at my peak.

A healthy lifestyle prior to having my children seemed to keep my figure trim during and after their arrival, but I felt sluggish inside and yearned to lace up my trainers. I often made promises to myself and sometimes followed through haphazardly, though never reaching anywhere near my former fitness.

Once the kids had left home I became restless and hankered after a new challenge. I had noticed an alarming change in my body shape and decline in overall performance over the previous decade due to hormonal changes and I suppose the inevitable middle aged spread.  I decided to tackle two birds with one stone and contact Jennifer to see if she could help me get “back on the road” so to speak.

I was instantly pleased with my decision. Jennifer has a hugely positive outlook when it comes to achieving potential.  I have got to admit I was feeling as though I was stood at the bottom of a mountain wearing ski’s and no poles but Jen just sat me down and talked me through my expectations.

We discussed my life so far and where I was trying to go. We also compared my current habits to my desired goals and highlighted some glaring discrepancies! Once I knew what issues to tackle, I felt much more in control. For me, time management was the first hurdle. Setting aside time for myself and making those close to me aware of this need was important.

Secondly, Jennifer made me evaluate my goals further as we identified that I was in fact attempting the “impossible” by trying to attain my previous level of fitness at aged 23 now aged 46! I think had we NOT adjusted my target slightly, I would have been forever chasing an unrealistic end, which would have made for a frustrating and ultimately fruitless journey. As it was, I was able to dramatically transform my health and body just by “releasing” some of the pressure to attain my ideal and instead focus on my potential.

The results were in excess of my original dreams.

Thanks Jennifer, for helping me see through myself.

Valerie chose a 6 month home-visit Personal Training and Nutritional Coaching package in 2008.

Valerie Paynter, 46, Congleton

My personal “Nutrition Transition” taught me the importance of priority. 

Making myself my own priority, assessing my task lists for priorities and the most important priority of all - getting the message that long term health is more important than short term pleasure when it comes to food and training. Once I had this concept ingrained in my head, it became easy. I looked FORWARD to the next week’s changes and strategies.

As a result of training with Jennifer, my posture improved, which not only relieves me of back pain, but I apparently appear more confident too!  The nutritional principles I learned with Jen seemed completely off the wall at first. Eat more food? Eat more fat? How could that work!? But it did, and now not only myself but my kids eat better, and they SLEEP better, which gives me more time to myself.

Jackie, 37 - Wistaston
Total Changes 22lbs and 10% body fat lost